We operate several separate Twitter accounts depending on the various activities of life michael. Some of the accounts are in Hebrew and some in English.
Author Archives: Haim Michael
How to Develop Application
When developing an application there are usually several relevant technologies. We will be happy to help you choose the most suitable ones.
The Extreme Blended Methodology
The Extreme Blended methodology was developed for training in the software development domain. It can be partially implemented in other domains as well. The methodology was formulated following the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic and its closures.
CSS Self Learning
You can easily start learning CSS by yourself. If you happen to know Hebrew, please check out the video clips we created on YouTube.
Compatibility to Programming
Don’t be in a rush to enroll an expensive programming course. Start with taking our compatibility exam and with a small try to learn by yourself.
What is Asynchronous Learning?
Learn about the difference between online asynchronous and synchronous training.
The Hybrid (Blended) Corporate Service
Our premium professional training service for software developers is based on a blend of various methodologies tailored to your needs.