The Hybrid (Blended) Corporate Service

תמונת באנר של מי שלומד תכנות
Our premium professional training service for software developers is based on a blend of various methodologies tailored to your needs.

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When taking our corporate training services, you can rest assured that we have the resources and the capabilities to provide you with a tailored agile service specifically for your needs.

photo by olia danilevich from pexels 

photo by olia danilevich from pexels

It can be a standard course we have already developed, we can later adjust to your needs, or it can be a new course we develop specifically for the needs you have.


It can be a synchronous course delivered on your premises, it can be an online course delivered online, or it can be a hybrid course, delivered partially on your premises and partially online.It can be an asynchronous course we have already developed. Your developers that will take that course will get full personal support during the process. It can be a mixture of an asynchronous online course together with synchronous training, either online or on your premises.


We continuously move forward, learn new technologies, and evolve. We can deliver premium professional training on new cutting-edge topics side by side with classic conventional topics.You say the word. 


We tailor the training plan to your needs. We deliver.

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