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Sometimes, despite the relatively high cost per hour of instruction, private instruction that is maximally adapted to the student is actually the more efficient and cheaper option.

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Every organization has a training budget that must be managed wisely. Often, when there is a need for training in a very specific field for a specific software developer in the organization, the training manager tends to prefer having a course on the same specific subject to a number of employees, even though the topic is less relevant to the additional employees who join the employee for whom there is a real and urgent need. As a result, the individual employee for whom there is a need for training about a specific topic, might get a smaller value compared to one-on-one, short and focused personal training. In addition, sometimes, the total cost of the training for the group of employees may be higher compared to the cost of training that was delivered one-on-one only to the employee for whom the need exists.

The Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes tend to be better one on one than in a group. The learners are motivated to learn, they come ready to every meeting after doing the preliminary research about the topic, they have pragmatic questions, the explanations the trainer gives are adjusted specifically to the learners, and the learners are eager to apply the learning as soon as they can. 

Less Administration

Organizing a one on one training is much simpler. There is no need in a big meeting room, and their is no need in coordinating the schedule with so many people as it happens when delivering a training to a group of people. 

Straight to the Point of Need

When having a one on one training, the training focuses on the topics the trainee wants to focus on. The trainees doesn’t need to spend time on topics they are not interested at. 


In one on one training, the student feels free to ask questions and share cases from his/her professional experience. Development managers who are sometimes afraid to ask basic questions in group training feel more comfortable in one on one trainings. In one on one training, development managers will enjoy better results. 

The Extreme Blended Methodology

In one on one training, implementing the extreme blended methodology is much simpler comparing with group training. As a result, the outcomes in one on one training is better. 

In recent years, more and more companies have hired our service to deliver private one on one training. Sometimes it is a new employee for whom it is necessary to complete professional gaps. Sometimes it is a development manager interested in one on one training for his own reasons, which often converge to the reasons detailed in this post.

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