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You have completed a Java programming course. Did the course you completed really cover most of the important topics in Java?

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You have completed a course  about the Java programming language. Whether it’s a professional course, an academic course or a course you learned independently, based on the extensive experience I have in delivering training to software developers and students, it turns out that many courses do not cover the important topics in the Java programming language. As a result, there are difficulties in further studies. Without prior and good familiarity with Java, there is difficulty in learning other programming languages that are based on Java (such as Scala and Kotlin). Without a good knowledge of the Java programming language it is not possible to learn how to develop applications for the Android operating system using Kotlin and Java. Without a good knowledge of the Java programming language it is not possible to learn how to develop software systems on the server side using the Java EE extension and using frameworks such as Spring.

Nested Classes and Inner Classes
Is the possibility of defining a new type (such as an interface or class) within the scope of another type (such as an interface or class) familiar to you? The possibility to define a nested type (such as a class) within the scope of another type (such as another class) also exists in other programming languages. The possibility to define a nested type which will be considered an inner class is unique to the Java programming language and the programming languages that are based on Java, such as Scala and Kotlin. Without a thorough understanding of this topic, including Anonymous Inner/Nested Classes, other Java topics, such as Lambda Expressions and the use of Functional Interfaces, cannot be thoroughly understood. If you are not familiar with these topics, you can complete them using the synchronous course for learning Java (in Hebrew), the asynchronous course for learning Java (in Hebrew) at life michael academy, and the Inner Classes in Java course that I developed at Udemy.

Default Methods in Interfaces
In many Java courses, the trainer chooses to skip the possibility of defining default methods in interfaces. Using default methods, you can create interfaces and use them as traits. The option to define a trait exists in PHP (that allows this in addition to the possibility to define interfaces and classes) and in Scala (that allows us to define traits in addition to the possibility to define classes and objects). This topic can be completed through the synchronous course for learning Java (in Hebrew) and through the asynchronous course for learning Java (in Hebrew) at life michael academy.

Lambda Expressions and Functional Interfaces
The use of lambda expressions, together with functional interfaces, allows us to write smaller programs. If you are not familiar with this topic, you can complete it using the synchronous course for learning Java (in Hebrew), the asynchronous course for learning Java (in Hebrew) at life michael academy, and using the Lambda Expressions in Java and Functional Interfaces in Java courses on Udemy.

The Java 8 Streams
The use of lambda expressions, together with functional interfaces, allows us to write smaller programs. If you are not familiar with this topic, you can complete it using the synchronous course for learning Java (in Hebrew), the asynchronous course for learning Java (in Hebrew) at life michael academy, and using the Lambda Expressions in Java and Functional Interfaces in Java courses on Udemy.

The Reflection Capabilities of Java
The development of many frameworks and tools includes the use of reflection. This is a classic and basic topic supported by many other programming languages. You can complete this topic using the synchronous course for learning Java (in Hebrew) or the asynchronous course for learning Java (in Hebrew) at life michael academy

Concurrent Programming in Java
Without a thorough and good understanding of this topic, we might develop software systems that do not optimally utilize the computing power, are characterized by a non responding user experience, and sometimes get stuck (deadlock). Many courses avoid explaining how to use the wait and notify methods, and avoid explaining how to use the large variety of classes that were already developed in response to common scenarios, such as Executors, CyblicBarrier, Exchanger, Semaphor and others. This topic can be completed using the synchronous course for learning Java.

Practical Aspects of Using Interfaces
In many courses, the trainer doesn’t dedicate enough time for explaining how to use interfaces. This is a classic and important topic that exists in Java and many other programming languages. It is important to know how to use an interface for the purpose of creating a common behavior, how to implement multiple inheritance through the use of several interfaces, the importance of using interfaces for the purpose of providing flexibility in the development and maintenance of the code (such as allowing Dependency Injection), the use of the interface as a trait, and the use of interfaces in libraries development. You can complete this topic using the synchronous course for learning Java (in Hebrew) or the asynchronous course for learning Java (in Hebrew) at life michael academy

There are many other topics in Core Java that are important to know. I guess later I will update this post and add more topics in the future. In many educational institutions, the Java programming language is used to impart the basic understanding of many topics in software engineering. Learning the Java programming language while ignoring the important topics will harm the knowledge base wand damage the continuous professional development in software development.

If you are a team of developers, completing the missing knowledge can be achieved through professional training that is adapted to your needs. We do our best while following the Extreme Blended methodology that we developed. We also want to recommend you to check out our seminars

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