During the last decade, the Java programming language has undergone many changes. Take the course we developed and fill in the gaps.

Join our course about the OpenAI API and learn how to add AI capabilities to the software you develop.

Similar to the industrial revolution and similar to the information revolution, the AI revolution is also expected to have a great impact on our lives. The programming profession is expected to undergo dramatic changes.

We are happy to share that we won the Israeli Ministry of Education Gefen tender. Software development training programs we developed are now available to schools all over Israel. Principles can easily pick any of our approved programs and have it delivered in their schools.

Save time and money. Stay updated at the highest level and through training specially tailored to the needs, skills and knowledge you already have. The service is particularly suitable for software developers and senior managers.

Premium Professional Synchronous Hybrid Courses

Our Upoming Courses

Python Programming

Our Python Programming premium online synchronous course starts on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025. The course covers topics that are relevant for all Python developers.

students learning

Kotlin Programming

Our Kotlin Programming premium online synchronous course starts on Tuesday, May 20th, 2025. This course was updated with Kotlin 2.x new capabilities.

Node.js Fundamentals

Our Node.js coming premium online synchronous course starts on Tuesday, November 4th, 2025. The most effective course for server side development with Node.js.

Cutting Edge Technologies

Our Popular Seminars

django basics

Functional Programming in Java

Become familiar with the principles of functional programming and their implementation in Java.

PySpark Fundamentals

Become familiar with the PySpark library and its capabilities.

SOLID Design Principles

Become familiar with the SOLID software design principles.

Cutting Edge Technologies

Our Upcoming Free Meetups

Types in Python

Types in Python

This meetup focuses on the possibilities to use type hinting in our code. If you already use Python and you still don't use type hinting, you will surely benefit from attending this meetup. Haim Michael will deliver this meetup online on Tuesday, April 1st, 2025.

Cross Platform Mobile Application

Cross Platform Mobile Applications

Become familiar with the available cross platform mobile applications development's various technologies. The meetup will focus on ReactNative and Flutter. This meetup will take place online on Tuesday, May 6th, 2025.

Simplifying Visitor Pattern Banner

Simplifying the Visitor Pattern in Java

Become familiar with the new approach for implementing this pattern using pattern matching and record classes. Haim Michael will deliver this meetup online on Tuesday, June 3rd, 2025.

Cutting Edge Technologies in Affordable Price

Our Hot Courses on Udemy

Reflection in Java

Learn about the Reflection capabilities in Java, and acquire the required skills for using it effectively in your code.

Inner Classes in Java

Learn about inner classes in Java, and gain in-depth understanding in this topic.

Decorators in Python Banner

Decorators in Python

Learn how to develop new decorators in Python, and gain in-depth understanding in this topic.

OpenAI API Course

Using The OpenAI API

OpenAI provides us with API we can use in order to add AI capabilities to the software we develop. Join our course and learn how to do it.

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Do You Want to Boost your Software Development Skills?

Meet with us for a cup of coffee or a glass of beer!

life michael academy asynchronous online courses

Java | Python | JavaScript | TypeScript

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