Shenkar Java EE Spring 2010 Final Projects ACD

During Spring 2010 I was teaching an academic Java EE course in Shenkar. This course is part of Shenkar’s BSc 4 years academic program in Software Engineering.

The course covered various advance topics in Java EE, such as Servlets/JSP, JSP Custom Tags, JSTL, JavaServer Faces, JPA, Hibernate, Jasper Reports, Web Services, EJB, JDBC and more. In addition, the course covered few client side technologies, such as JavaScript, HTML 5, jQuery, CSS and Ajax.

Many students have developed excellent projects. Two of them are described below.

Idan Entin & Shiran Asulin, who also happen to be a couple (they got married during their studies) developed a web store for selling iPhones and iPhone related products. They chose to use Hibernate as the database layer (model) and chose to use JSP as the presentation layer (view). In their hibernate implementation they chose to implement the Data Access Object pattern. Developing the presentation layer they chose to use specific jQuery components. They did a great job.

Liran Aida developed a web store for selling electronics and mobile telephones. He chose to use Hibernate as the database layer (model) and chose to use JSP as the presentation layer (view), that takes advantage of the jQuery library. He did a great job.

Idan Entin has already started to work as a Java EE developer, and he is currently working with a company that specializes in Java EE software development. The other two, as far as I know, are open for suggestions.


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