The Extreme Blended Methodology

Extreme Blended Methodology Banner life michael premium training for software developers
The Extreme Blended methodology was developed for training in the software development domain. It can be partially implemented in other domains as well. The methodology was formulated following the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic and its closures.

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The Impact of The Corona Epidemic
One of the effects of the corona epidemic and the imposed closures is the noticeable increase in the willingness of software developers to learn using tools and methodologies that were previously less acceptable. The willingness to learn through courses that are delivered synchronously through platforms such as zoom has increased. As a result, the willingness to learn asynchronously through pre-recorded courses has also increased. As a result of the corona epidemic, it is also possible to identify an increase in the willingness of instructors to use advanced technologies, such as a tablet that allows the instructor to create charts and share them with the students during the video training. As a result, the formation of photographs and videos for asynchronous learning now allows a more successful implementation of the Reverse Learning methodology. These effects, and many other effects that are certainly being studied today in the academy, have led to the fact that the instructor now has a large set of tools that allows training to be delivered to programmers in a variety of ways.

The Difference between Methodology and Method
Many confuse the terms methodology and method. Checking Wikipedia, you can find the following definition for the term Methodology: “Methodology is the study of research methods. However, the term can also refer to the methods themselves or to the philosophical discussion of associated background assumptions.”. Checking Wikipedia, you can find the following definition of the term Method: “Method is a structured procedure for bringing about a certain goal.”. A good and simple example that will help with understanding the difference between the two terms can be identified in the statement about company x that produces product y and bases the development of new versions of product y on feedback that comes from customers who use product y.  This is the methodology that characterizes the development of new versions of product y.  The way in which the feedback comes from the customers who use product y is already the method in which the methodology is implemented. There are many ways to receive feedback from customers. It can be obtained, for example, through personal meetings with customers, through an internet questionnaire, through contacting customers by phone, through focus groups, or through email. The methodology can be realized, of course, using more than one single method (method).

The Extreme Blended Methodology
At the base of the Extreme Blended methodology is the assumption that there are large differences between different populations of students who come to software development courses, and in order to maximize the effectiveness of the training within the time limits (optimization), a variety of tools and methodologies must be used in doses that are specifically suited to the population for which the training is being carried out. Although general lines of action can be outlined for different populations, there is still a need for optimization. The optimization must be done in advance before the training is carried out (if possible). During the first stages of the training, the optimization should be continued using the feedback that can be received from the students. During the training itself, in each and every topic that is taught, the tools and methodologies most suitable for that topic must be used.

Choosing the Mix of Tools and Methodologies that will be used
At this stage, the instructors will base their decisions on their personal experience in accordance with their personal strengths using various tools and methodologies. The trainers will select the tools and methodologies that fit best separately for each and every topic they teach. Regular academic studies conducted in this field could help to constantly refine the way in which the tools and methodologies used are selected.

Case Studies for Implementing Extreme Blended
In the posts I will write in the future, I will try to demonstrate how the methodology is implemented by sharing my personal experience in delivering various training to different populations. 

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