Cookies Hacking Seminar

cyber hacking with cookies
Learn how hackers use the cookies in order to hack web applications. Secure your web applications accordingly.

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Many of the hackings that take place include the use of the well known cookies. Having a detailed an in-depth understanding of how the cookies function is crucial both for the hacker that wants to hack and for the web developers that want to secure the web applications they develop. 

Lack of Knowledge and Understanding

Based on our experience working with web developers we came to the conclusion that many of them (maybe too many!) are not familiar with the security threats involved with the use of cookies. Our courses, such as the Front End Development, Node.js Fundamentals and Software Engineering in PHP dedicate substantial amount of time for this topic. Nevertheless, it seems that many of the courses delivered by others, both the ones that focus on the server side and the ones that focus on the front end, don’t properly cover this topic. 

The Cookies Hacking Professional Seminar

In order to enable the web developers to develop a more secured web application, one that it would be more difficult to hack using the cookies, it is crucial to for every web developer to catch up and acquire in-depth understanding of how the cookies function. To assist with that, we chose to develop the Cookies Hacking, a dedicated professional seminar for this topic. 

We continuously develop new professional courses and seminars for covering important cutting edge topics. In addition, we produce professional meetups and international professional conferences

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