The Mozzila Seabird Project INFO

The Mozzila Seabird project is Billy May‘s perspective for a possible community based open web mobile telephone model. This project was born as part of Mozilla Concept Series, an open forum for sharing ideas, expertise and vision for the future of the web, the Mozilla project and Firefox.

The technologies presented in this video clip already exist. I guess it is just a matter of time till we see such mobile telephone models in real.


The Visitor Design Pattern

The Visitor Design Pattern

The visitor design pattern allows us to add operations to objects that already exist without modifying their classes and without extending them.

What are Anti Patterns?

Anti Patterns

Unlike design patterns, anti patterns just seem to be a solution. However, they are not a solution and they cause additional costs.

Virtual Threads in Java Professional Seminar

Virtual Threads in Java

The use of virtual threads can assist us with improving the performance of our code. Learn how to use virtual threads effectively.

NoSQL Databases Courses, Seminars, Consulting, and Development

MongoDB Design Patterns Meetup

The use of MongoDB involves with various cases in which we can overcome performance issues by implementing specific design patterns.

The Beauty of Code

Coding is Art! Developing Code That Works is Simple. Develop Code with Style is a Challenge!

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