Mandatory Movies for Learning Java Programming PRO

Learning how to write code in Java has never been simple. Hereto a short list of recommended movies you better watch before you start learning Java.

Learning OOP is one of the biggest obstacles. Matrix is the best movie to start with. The program running on the machines servers creates a sophisticated virtual reality. When Neo understands the program that creates the virtual reality he starts calling various methods on various objects. When agent Smith fires with his gun Neo invokes the setSpeed() function on the very specific object that represents the bullet. Neo pass over the value 0 and the bullet stops.

Learning about objects serialization is fairly simple as soon as you understand that Start Track beam me up scotty mechanism was implemented in Java.

Learning how to develop a TCP/IP client server application can be very simple as soon as you understand that the star gates implementation in Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Universe is based on using plain simple Socket objects. Everything that goes into one socket goes out from the other connected one and vice verso.

Learning design patterns has started in the 16th century. Architectural construction problems eventually lead to patterns we find all over.


The Visitor Design Pattern

The Visitor Design Pattern

The visitor design pattern allows us to add operations to objects that already exist without modifying their classes and without extending them.

What are Anti Patterns?

Anti Patterns

Unlike design patterns, anti patterns just seem to be a solution. However, they are not a solution and they cause additional costs.

Virtual Threads in Java Professional Seminar

Virtual Threads in Java

The use of virtual threads can assist us with improving the performance of our code. Learn how to use virtual threads effectively.

NoSQL Databases Courses, Seminars, Consulting, and Development

MongoDB Design Patterns Meetup

The use of MongoDB involves with various cases in which we can overcome performance issues by implementing specific design patterns.

image of woman and database

Record Classes in Java

Learn how to define record classes in Java, and when to use record classes in your code. Stay up to date with the new Java features.

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The Beauty of Code

Coding is Art! Developing Code That Works is Simple. Develop Code with Style is a Challenge!

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