What Programming Language Should You Learn First

what is the first programming language we should learn... life michael premium training services
What programming language should you learn first? Should we start with C/C++ or should it be another programming language?

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Friendly Learning Curve
When doing the first steps in programming, we better choose a programming language that is characterized by a friendly learning curve. When there are fewer technical difficulties and the learning process is easier, students have more time to focus on the programming topics being studied. In this way, the learning experience is more successful, and it is possible to reach a higher level of understanding of the subjects studied.

Popular Programming Language
When the programming language is popular, you can find more training materials on the web and more support in the community. When the programming language is popular, then there is a higher chance that bugs we encounter are already mentioned on sites such as StackOverflow.

The C Programming Language
The C programming language does not have a friendly learning curve. Learning the first topics in software development using the C programming language may be more difficult compared to learning other programming languages that are characterized by a friendly learning curve, such as Python and JavaScript. As far as the popularity of the programming language is concerned, according to most surveys the C programming language is still used, and its market share is quite large. At the same time, the popularity of Python and JavaScript is much bigger

The Python Programming Language
The Python programming language has a very friendly learning curve, and is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. The Python programming language has also been chosen as the first programming language in computer science classes at most prestigious universities in the United States. We recommend taking the first steps in programming using the Python programming language. Check out our website for more information about our professional coursesseminars, and conferences about Python. 

The JavaScript Programming Language
The JavaScript programming language has a very friendly learning curve, and is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. In addition, the possibility to write code in JavaScript and run it through the browser may contribute to the students’ motivation. In our opinion, the JavaScript programming language is also suitable to be used as the first programming language. Check out our website for more information about our professional coursesseminars, and conferences about JavaScript. 

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