Top PHP Newsletters for 2023

Top PHP Newsletters for 2023
One of the best ways to stay up-to-date with changes and new capabilities in PHP is to subscribe to professional newsletters.

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Taking the Software Engineering in PHP professional course is just the start. Continuous learning never stops. There are many ways to stay up-to-date with the programming language we are using. One of them is to subscribe to professional newsletters. 

Our Recommended PHP Newsletters for 2023

There are many professional newsletters we can subscribe to for free. Some of them focus on PHP. The following list was curated based on our experience. 


PHP Weekly
You can subscribe for free at

Awesome PHP
You can subscribe for free at


Top PHP Professional Groups on Facebook & Linkedin

Joining a professional group focusing on PHP can also be a way to stay up-to-date. We maintain two PHP professional groups on Facebook. The first is PHP Developers Israel, and the second is PHP Developers. The first is an Israeli group we run in Hebrew. The second is an international group we run in English. 

If you happen to know a PHP professional newsletter you think we should mention in this post please let us know. We will be more than happy to check it out.  

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