Israeli Education Gefen Program

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The Gefen Reform of the Israeli Ministry of Education allows school principals to choose the training programs they want to hold in school.

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As part of the Gefen reform, each school principal receives a budget intended to pay for training programs offered as part of Gefen. School principals cannot use the budget intended for training programs in GFN for other needs.

The Gefen Information System

To assist both school administrators and training providers, an information system was established that allows school administrators to select the training programs they are interested in, and to order from the training provider at the click of a button.

Our Training Programs on Gefen

We have four training programs approved to be officially included in Gefen. School principals can have them delivered to their schools. In addition, there are other training programs that have received the approval of the Ministry of Education to be delivered in schools. We still haven’t submitted a request to include them in Gefen. 

The payment the training providers in Gefen receive is significantly higher than the salary usually paid to teachers in the education system. Gefen’s system allows training services at the highest level. If you have children in the education system, you can easily provide them with training services at the highest level in software development. You just need to tell your kids’ principle about our offering. 

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