Shenkar Scala Programming Autumn 2011 INFO

During the coming semester I am going to deliver the Java & Scala Programming course in Shenkar. Its official name is ‘Internet Programming’. I deliver this course as part of Shenkar’s Software Engineering BSc academic program. The course starts with a detailed coverage of the Java SE programming language and continues with a detailed coverage of Scala. […]

HIT Scala Programming Autumn 2011 INFO

During the coming semester I am going to deliver the Java & Scala Programming course in HIT. Its official name is ‘Internet Programming’. I deliver this course as part of HIT’s Computer Science BSc academic program. I deliver this course for two groups. Both groups take place on Mondays. The first takes place during 1200-1600. The second takes […]

The Template Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The template method design pattern allows us to structure an algorithm into steps we can override in sub classes. This video clip explains this pattern using a code sample in PHP. The source code is available for free download in my PHP Design Patterns course at

The Factory Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The factory design pattern enables the creation of new objects without having the need to specify the classes that should be instantiated. The following video clip explains this pattern and overviews a sample for its implementation in PHP. The source code is available for free download in my PHP Design Patterns course at

The Facade Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The facade design pattern helps us coping with complexity due to a big number of classes and methods. Implementing facade is about defining a new class through which we shall work with all other classes and methods. The following video clip explains this pattern using a simple code sample. You can find the source code […]

Reflection in PHP PRO

Similarly to software programming languages as Java and C#, PHP also allows us to write code that finds information about objects and classes. Whether the class was already known during the development phase or was created afterwards, using reflection we can get detailed information about the class and even invoke its methods or access its […]

Namespaces in PHP PRO

PHP 5.3 allows us to group the classes, the constants and the functions we define into separated groups, also known as namespaces. Doing so we can cope with possible names collisions. Unlike previous PHP versions that introduced new features their syntax derive from Java (e.g. the extends and implements keywords), this time the developers of the PHP […]

Technion Analysis & Design using UML June 2011 INFO

In June 2011 I will start lecturing the “Analysis & Design Using UML” course. The course will take place in the Technion as part of a long term .NET course. The course includes five meetings and aside of going through UML it includes practical labs through which the participants will gain practical experience in analysis […]

Vaadin Architecture PRO

The Vaadin framework is implemented on top of the Java Servlets API. When the web container receives the first request it instantiates the ApplicationServlet class. This is one of Vaadin framework classes. It extends HttpServlet. When developing a web application using the Vaadin framework we should define a class that extends com.vaadin.Application. Each and every […]

HIT Scala Programming Summer 2011 ACD

During the coming summer semester (Summer 2011) I am going to deliver the Internet Programming course in HIT. This course is delivered as part HIT’s Computer Science BSc academic program. It starts with a detailed coverage of the Java programming language and continues with a detailed coverage of Scala. The topics in Scala I am going to cover […]

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