Java, C++, C# and PHP. The Differences.

Many of the students that come to learn in my courses already know other programming languages. In order to assist my students I chose to create a summery for all the differences between the four main programming languages I teach. If there is a topic in which a comparison is required please don’t hesitate and […]

Java 8 Interfaces Default Methods

As of Java 8 the interface definition can include implemented methods that will be used as the default implementation when a class that implements an interface doesn’t implement the methods. The default methods provide us with a mechanism for extending the interfaces mechanism in a backward compatible way. In order to implement a method defined […]

PHP 5.6 New Features

PHP 5.6 was released on August 28th 2014. This post overviews the main new features this new version introduces. Arguments Unpacking We can use the ‘…’ operator for passing over an array of values to a function we call and have the array values unpacked and assigned into the function parameters. The following code sample […]

Class Based OOP in Dart PRO

The Dart programming language uses classes and interfaces similarly to Java, C# and PHP. Dart supports single inheritance similarly to Java, C# and PHP. Dart supports multiple interfaces implementation similarly to Java, C# and PHP. As in Java and in C# every class inherits (by default) from the Object class. The classes can have public […]

Anonymous Inner Class in Scala PRO

Scala allows us to define anonymous inner classes. The syntax is very similar to the one we know in Java. object Demo { def main(args:Array[String]):Unit = { val ob = new MyStack[Int](0) { def data:Nothing = throw new Exception(“empty stack”); } } } abstract class MyStack[T](size:Int) { def data:T; } The following video clip overviews […]

Android Resources Names PRO

Each resource has an ID number held in a static variable that belongs to one of the static inner classes in R. The name of that static variable is the very same name we specify as the name of the resource. It can be name of the string (string resource), the name of the image […]

Facebook PHP SDK Jump Start INFO

The Facebook PHP SDK is composed of two files: facebook.php and base_facebook.php. The first includes the definition for the Facebook class. The second includes the definition for the BaseFacebook class, which is a parent class for Facebook together with few more classes. You can easily download the Facebook PHP SDK at The following video […]

Shenkar Scala Programming Summer 2012 ACD

During the summer semester I am going to deliver a Java & Scala Programming course in Shenkar. I deliver it as part of Shenkar’s Software Engineering BSc academic program. I am going to teach it on Thursdays 0800-2000. The course starts with a detailed coverage of the Java SE programming language and continues with a detailed […]

Shenkar Scala Programming Spring 2012 ACD

During the coming semester I am going to deliver a Java & Scala Programming course in Shenkar. I deliver it as part of Shenkar’s Software Engineering BSc academic program. I am going to teach two groups. The first group takes place on Sundays 0800-1300 and the second one takes place on Sundays 1700-2100. The course starts with […]

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