Software Development Training Services

Given the endless growing flow of new software development technolofies we can assist!

We provide training services to different audiences, both in Hebrew and in English. Some of our training services are provided online asynchronously through life michael professional and Udemy.

When dealing with public courses, it is highly recommended to check the premium courses for the general public, the asynchronous courses that appear on the website of life michael professional (in Hebrew), and the asynchronous courses that we develop on Udemy (in English). More information about these and other courses can be found on the Courses page of this website.

When dealing with training services for software developers in high-tech companies, it is recommended to check our premium courses (more information about these courses can be found on the Courses page of this website). Although these are public courses for the general public, there is the possibility of delivering them privately to companies interested in the best training for their software developers. It is also recommended to check the courses we develop on Udemy (in English) and the courses in Hebrew on the website of life michael professional (in Hebrew). In addition to the above, as far as short-term training in high-tech companies is concerned, it is recommended to check the seminars we developed so far. More information about these seminars can be found on the Seminars page of this website.

When dealing with training services delivered to schools, you can find detailed information about our offering at K-12 Training Services page. 

When dealing with organizing social events for software developers you can find detailed information about our offering at the Social page.

Tailor-Made Training Services

Your needs

We are a small boutique training company that focuses on the delivery of premium training services for software developers. We will do our best to focus on your needs and provide you with the best possible service. 

Your success is ours!

We will do our best to serve your needs! This is our business model!

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