Django Basics
Develop MVC based web applications using the Django framework.
Multithreading in Python
Concurrent programming in Python, using threads and processes. Learn about GIL!
Python Fast Track
The fastest path for learning python. The best training for experienced developers.
Design Patterns in Python
Learn how to implement the classic design patterns in Python.
Functional Programming
Learn how to implement the Functional Programming Paradigm.
OOP in Python
Become proficient in OOP using the Python programming language.
Structural Pattern Matching
Learn about the structural pattern matching that was introduced in Python 3.10.
Static Analysis Tools
Learn about the available tools and libraries that allow us to perform static analysis for our code.
Coroutines in Python
Become familiar with Python's support for coroutines.
Unit Testing in Python
Learn how to develop unit tests using the PyTest framework, and the Requests library.
MongoDB with Python
Learn about the MongoDB database, and learn how to use it with Python.
Data Classes in Python
Become familiar with the possibility to define data classes, that was introduced in Python 3.7.
Pandas Fundamentals
Become familiar with the pandas library and its capabilities.
MySQL with Python
Learn about the MySQL database, and learn how to use it with Python.
PEP 8 Overview
Become familiar with PEP8, and improve your code's style.
PySpark Fundamentals
Become familiar with the PySpark framework. Learn how to use it when dealing with big data.
Matplotlib Fundamentals
Become familiar with the matplotlib library and learn how to create magnificent charts.
Regular Expressions
Learn how to use Regular Expressions when coding in Python.
Python Fast Track
The fastest way possible for learning Python. Tailored for your background in programming.
Types in Python
Learn how to use types in the code you write in Python. Learn about the benefits from doing it.