
Just say the word, we can do it all!

The seminar listed on this page can be delivered either in English or in Hebrew. You can have them delivered privately in your corporate either online using zoom or in person (the conventional way).

Do it the Python Way!


Django Basics

Develop MVC based web applications using the Django framework.

Multithreading in Python

Concurrent programming in Python, using threads and processes. Learn about GIL!

Python Fast Track

The fastest path for learning python. The best training for experienced developers.

Design Patterns in Python

Learn how to implement the classic design patterns in Python.

Functional Programming

Learn how to implement the Functional Programming Paradigm.

OOP in Python

Become proficient in OOP using the Python programming language.

Structural Pattern Matching

Learn about the structural pattern matching that was introduced in Python 3.10.

Static Analysis Tools

Learn about the available tools and libraries that allow us to perform static analysis for our code.

Coroutines in Python

Become familiar with Python's support for coroutines.

Unit Testing in Python

Learn how to develop unit tests using the PyTest framework, and the Requests library.

MongoDB with Python

Learn about the MongoDB database, and learn how to use it with Python.

Data Classes in Python

Become familiar with the possibility to define data classes, that was introduced in Python 3.7.

Pandas Fundamentals

Become familiar with the pandas library and its capabilities.

MySQL with Python

Learn about the MySQL database, and learn how to use it with Python.

PEP 8 Overview

Become familiar with PEP8, and improve your code's style.

PySpark Fundamentals

Become familiar with the PySpark framework. Learn how to use it when dealing with big data.

Matplotlib Fundamentals

Become familiar with the matplotlib library and learn how to create magnificent charts.

Regular Expressions

Learn how to use Regular Expressions when coding in Python.

Python Fast Track

The fastest way possible for learning Python. Tailored for your background in programming.

Types in Python

Learn how to use types in the code you write in Python. Learn about the benefits from doing it.

Don't settle with Java!


Design Patterns in Kotlin

Learn how to implement the classic design patterns in Kotlin.

Kotlin Lambda Exressions

Learn how to use lambda expressions, and acquire in-depth understanding.

Coroutines in Kotlin

Acquire in-depth understanding of using coroutines in Kotlin.

Kotlin Fast Track

Learn Kotlin, the fastest way possible! Special training for experienced developers.

Java Rules!


Java Lambda Expressions

Learn how to use lambda expressions in Java, and acquire in-depth understanding.

Java 8 Streams

Learn how to use Java 8 streams, and acquire in-depth understanding.

Functional Programming

Learn how to implement functional programming in Java.

Design Patterns in Java

Become familiar with the classic design paterns and their implementation in Java.

The Combinator Pattern

Become familiar with the combinator design pattern and its implementation in Java.

Sealed Classes

Beome familiar with sealed classes in Java and learn about the practical cases for using it.

Records in Java

Become familiar with Records in Java, and learn about practical cases for using it.

Swing Basics

Learn how to develop graphic user interface using the Swing library.

Concurrent Programming

Learn about Java's support for concurrent programming.

Default Methods

Become familiar with the possibility to define non abstract functions in an interface.

JDBC Basics

Learn how to write code that uses a relational database using JDBC.

Java Servlets and JSP

Learn how to develop web applications using JavaServlets and JSP.

The MVVM Architecture

Become familiar with the MVVM architecture and learn how to implement it in Java.

The MVC Architecture

Become familiar with the MVC architecture and learn how to implement it in Java.

Virtual Threads

Learn how to use Virtual Threads, how they work and when they can be useful.

Nested Classes in Java

Learn how to create nested classes and inner classes, learn how they work, when to use them, and learn how to develop anonymous nested classes.

TCP/IP and Java

Learn how to develop TCP/IP client server applications in Java. Learn how to develop a server that is capable of handling multiple clients.

Fast Track for C++ Developers

The fastest Java training for C++ developers. Excellent solution for experienced C++ developers with extensive experience in OOP.

The Fork/Join Framework

Become familiar with the Fork/Join framework. Learn how to use it in order to exploit the multiple processes your machine has.

IntelliJ on Steroids

Learn about the tricks, the shortcuts and the various possibilities that will allow you become more productive when using the IntelliJ IDE.

Java Collections

Become familiar with the Collections API in Java, learn about the possibilities and learn how to use it effectively for your needs.

Unit Testing with JUnit

Learn how to write unit tests using the JUnit framework. Become familiar with the possibilities in order to use this framework effectively.

Enums in Java

Learn how to use enums in Java. Become familiar with the possibilities. Learn about the various cases the use of enums might contribute to the quality of your code.

Generics in Java

Become familiar with the support we have for Generics in Java. Learn about the limitations and the possibilities.

C# Xtreme


Pattern Matching

Become familiar with the support for Pattern Matching, that was introduced in C# 7.0.

Reflection in C#

Learn about the possibilities to perform reflection when coding in C#.

Language Integrated Queries

Learn about implementing language integrated queries in your code.

Design Patterns in C#

Become familiar with the classic design patterns (GoF) and their implementation in C#.

Fullstack Development


Asynchronous Programming

Learn about Promises, the async and the await keywords, and about the Fetch API.

OOP Best Practices

Become familiar with the object oriented best practices in JavaScript.

Coding with Style

Learn how to code properly, and follow well known style guides.

Ajax Fundamentals

Learn how to implement Ajax, how to use the CORS specification, and how to use the Fetch API.

Regular Expressions

Learn about Regular Expressions, and learn how to use them in your code.

Web Worker Basics

Learn how to create threads using the Web Workers API.

IndexedDB Basics

Learn about the IndexedDB database our web browser includes.

JavaScript Fast Track

The fastest way possible to learn JavaScrip. Tailored training for your experience in software development.

79% of all Websites use PHP



Become proficient using the OOP paradigm when developing in PHP.

PHP Fast Track

Learn PHP the fastest way possible. Enjoy a professional training tailored for your needs.

Take JavaScript to The Next Level

Type Script

TypeScript Fast Track

The fastest path for learning TypeScript. Tailored for experienced developers.

Interfaces in TypeSciprt

Learn how to define interfaces and how to use them.

Generics in TypeScript

Learn how to use generics in TypeScript and become familiar with the possibilities.

One of The Most Popular Functional Programming Languages!


Collections in Scala

Learn about the collections classes we have in Scala.

Scala Fast Track

The fastest way to learn Scala. Tailored training in accordance with the stufents background is a must.

Patterns Matching in Python

Learn how to use patterns matching in the code you write in Scala.

Learn how to Secure your Web Applications


SQL Injections

Learn how to secure your web application and protect it from SQL Injections. Learn about the various types of SQL Injections.

Cookies Hacking

Learn how to secure your web applications from hacking that might exploit security vulnerabilities created by the use of cookies.

Document Oriented DB


MongoDB Design Patterns

Learn about the common design patterns involved with the use of MongoDB.

MongoDB Basics

Learn how to use the MongoDB database. Become familiar with its main advantages.

Cutting Edge Skills


Agile Methodologies

Become familiar the agile methodologies family, and improve your management skills accordingly.

UML Use Case Diagrams

Become familiar with the UML Use Case diagrams and learn how to use them effectively in your projects.

Fullstack Development

Become familiar with the most popular software development technologies these days.

UML Activity Diagrams

Learn how to create UML Activity diagrams, and how to use them effectively in your work.

REStful Web Services

Become familiar with REStful Web Services, learn how they work, and become familiar with their business aspects.

Java, Kotlin & Scala

Become familiar with the similarities and the differences between Scala, Kotlin, and Java. Learn how to choose the one that fits your project.

Coding with Style

Clean Code

SOLID Design Principles

Become familiar with the SOLID design principles. Learn how to implement them in your code.

Anti Patterns

Understand what is Anti Pattern. Become familiar with common anti patterns.

Quality Assurance Automation


Unit Testing Best Practices

Become familiar with the well known best practices in unit testing.

The Server Side Architecture We Adopt


Design Patterns

Learn about the common design patterns when implementing micro services on the server side.

Continuous Personal Growth

Personal Evolvement

How to Learn Programming

Learn about the common design patterns when implementing micro services on the server side.

Unlocking the Future of Data-Driven Intelligence

Machine Learning

Introduction to Machine Learning

Become familiar with the basics of Machine Learning using the Python programming language.

Redefining Human and Machine Interaction

Artificial Intelligence

The Open AI API

Learn how to integrate Open AI capabilities into the application you develop.

Tailor-Made Training Services

Your needs

We are a small boutique training company that focuses on the delivery of premium training services for software developers. We will do our best to focus on your needs and provide you with the best possible service. 

Your success is ours!

We will do our best to serve your needs! This is our business model!

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