HTML5 Web Workers Debugging PRO

As of Chrome 15+ you can debug the separated threads your application implement using the Web Worker API. The following short video clip shows how to do it. You can find more video clips and code samples for using the HTML5 Web Worker API in my free (for personal use) Introduction to HTML5 course. You […]

HTML5. The Open Web Platform. PRO

What is HTML5? When browsing at you will find the following definition for HTML5: ” People use the term HTML5 in two ways: 1. to refer to a set of technologies that together form the future Open Web Platform. These technologies include HTML5 specification, CSS3, SVG, MathML, Geolocation, XmlHttpRequest, Context 2D, Web Fonts (WOFF) […]

Tomcat Support for HTML5 Web Sockets PRO

The Apache Tomcat web containers supports web sockets. The basic web sockets samples it includes can serve as a great jump start. The following video clip shows the execution of one of these samples.

HTML5 Relational Database INFO

HTML 5 provides us with a relational database running on the web browser. This relational database supports SQLite sql syntax. The following code sample checks whether the web browser supports the HTML 5 relational database. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN” “”> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <script type=”text/javascript”> if(window.openDatabase) { document.write(“support”); } else […]

Angry Birds in HTML5 INFO

We can now find an HTML5 implementation for Angry Birds. Angry Birds is not the only game. You can find HTML5 implementation for many games. is a good resources to start with. The Angry Birds HTML5 version is currently available as a free Chrome OS application at Google Chrome Web Store.

Adobe Wallaby Converts Flash to HTML5 BIZ

In my post (8 days ago) about the future of Flash and Silverlight I mentioned that the one and only way to keep Flash/Silverlight relevant would be to allow a Flash/Silverlight file to be automatically converted into HTML5 for those platforms that don’t support Flash/Silverlight. Few days later, Adobe releases Wallaby. I guess it is […]


Banner Python Structural Pattern Matching life michael professional courses

life michael blog Learn How to Learn! Continuously Learn and Evolve! Don’t Stay Behind! Imagine, Design and Create! Share, Get Feedback and Improve! Enjoy The Journey! I enjoyed Haim talk in Avaya R& D (Pune, India) because he was really passionate about what he taught. He doesn’t stick to the conventional text book teaching, rather […]

Becoming a Professional FED

When both Microsoft and Adobe started to adopt HTML5 it was clear to everyone that both Flash and Silverlight will no longer be the dominant technologies in developing the front end of web applications. The shift was very fast. As a result, it became difficult to find experienced front end developers. This shortcut was an […]

My Coming Professional Courses

The enrollment to my four coming courses (Android, PHP, Node.js and HTML5) has started. I strongly recommend to avoid waiting till the last minute. Sometimes the enrollment is closed before the course starts. The Android Java Applications course starts on September 7th 2015. The Software Engineering in PHP course starts on December 22th 2015. The […]


Headings Header one Candy canes wafer soufflé pastry marzipan bear claw marshmallow. Topping pie muffin tiramisu jelly caramels jelly beans sweet roll pudding. Topping liquorice jelly beans cotton candy lemon drops muffin toffee jujubes candy. Caramels soufflé wafer powder halvah oat cake marshmallow. Chupa chups cake topping gummies dessert. Header two Gingerbread jelly halvah. Tiramisu […]

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