Software Development Trainer Must Continuously Learn

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Software development technologies continuously change, and new ones emerge. Whether it is a new programming language, a new platform, a new framework, or a new library, we should stay tuned and continuously learn and update our professional skills.

Good Trainers Should Be Strong Communicators

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Having good communication skills is a must when it comes to training other developers and when it comes to teaching in general. I cannot imagine a software development trainer that cannot communicate successfully with his students.

The Israeli Books End of Life

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Thanks to the Israeli accessibility law, I have no other choice but to delete the websites I developed for learning Java, PHP, C#, Scala, HTML, Linux etc.

MongoDB Design Patterns

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Based on my experience, it seems that most of the developers that use MongoDB are not familiar with the MongoDB design patterns.

Methods in Python

In order to turn a function into a method, we should place the definition of that function within the scope of a class. Whenever we define a class that includes functions, each and every function is represented using an object. The reference of ch one of these objects is stored in a new attribute added […]

Free Professional Meetups

I am running three professional meetup groups. I use the platform. Most of the meetups that take place through these three professional meetup groups are free. life michael academyThis is the biggest meetup group I run. I created it in 2016. Before COVID-19 the meetups usually took place on Google Campus. As of the […]

XtremeJS 2022 Digital Swags

We chose to create a pack of digital swags that each and every XtremeJS 2022 attendee will get. This pack includes the following: Introduction to Programming in Python – will provide every attendee with a coupon that provides a 100% discount when buying the ‘Introduction to Programming in Python’ online course on Udemy. The […]

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