Patterns Matching in F# PRO

Patterns matching allows us to check the exact type of a value we hold. Think about writing the code in C# for getting the same outcome. Patterns matching allows us to write shorter programs simpler for maintenance. You can find the source code in my F# Fundamentals course. You can find its community version available […]

F# Object Oriented Capabilities PRO

The F# programming language supports many of the well known object oriented possibilities we know in C#. The following video clips show some of these capabilities. You can find the source code as part of my F# Fundamentals course. Its community version is available for free personal use at

Modules in F# PRO

Module is a simple container of values, types definition and sub modules. There are two types of modules. Local modules and top level ones. The following video clips show how to define them. You can find the source code as part of my F# Fundamentals course. Its community version is available for free personal usage […]

Develop WordPress Plugins PRO

I have recently completed training material that teaches how to develop plugins for WordPress. The following three video clips explain how to develop different types of WordPress plugins. The source code is available in my WordPress Plugins Development new course. You can find its community version available for free personal and academic usage at

Develop REStful Web Services using Jersey PRO

REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is a web service architecture that focuses on the system resources. Each resource is identified by a URI (Unified Resource Identifier). Accessing the resources is done using HTTP. The server reply is the representation of the resource we try to access. This representation is usually an XML document. JSR 311 specifies Java API for […]

JSON Support in PHP PRO

Since the emergence of PHP 5.2, the JSON extension is already compiled into the PHP execution environment. We can use it out of the box without any specific configuration. The json_encode function receives an array in PHP and encode it into JSON format. The following video clip shows that. The json_decode function receives a string […]

PHP SOAP Web Services PRO

PHP supports a wide range of web services types, including REStful Web Services, WDDX Web Services and SOAP Web Services. The following video clip shows how simple it is to consume a SOAP web service in PHP.

Hello World in PHP using Netbeans 7.0 PRO

In my daily work I use the Eclipse. I hardly find my self using Netbeans. Nevertheless, following the release of Netbeans 7.0 I chose to give it a try. I downloaded the Netbeans 7.0 PHP version and installed it. The following video clip shows how simple it is to develop PHP applications using Netbeans 7.0. […]

The Standard PHP Library PRO

The  standard PHP library (SPL) exposes some of the PHP internal functionalities allowing the developer to develop PHP script that works in a special different way. Among the special possibilities SPL enables we can find the the possibility to access objects as if they were arrays and the possibility to iterate objects using an iterator. Implementing the ArrayAccess interface […]

jWebSocket Jump Start PRO

I have recently downloaded the jWebSocket server in order to test the new Web Sockets API, which is an part of HTML 5. The following video clip shows a chat demo running using the jWebSocket server.

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