Shenkar Scala Programming Autumn 2011 INFO

During the coming semester I am going to deliver the Java & Scala Programming course in Shenkar. Its official name is ‘Internet Programming’. I deliver this course as part of Shenkar’s Software Engineering BSc academic program. The course starts with a detailed coverage of the Java SE programming language and continues with a detailed coverage of Scala. […]

Shenkar Scala Programming Summer 2011 ACD

During 2011 Summer semester I am going to deliver the Java & Scala Programming course in Shenkar ( This course is delivered as part Shenkar’s Software Engineering BSc academic program. It starts with a detailed coverage of the Java SE programming language and continues with a detailed coverage of Scala. The topics we are going to […]

Shenkar Java EE Basics Spring 2011 ACD

This semester (Spring 2011) I deliver a basic Java EE course in Shenkar. It is delivered as part of Shenkar Software Engineering BSc academic program. The main topics we are going to cover in this course are: Java Servlets & JavaServer Pages Java Server Faces Java Persistence API Java EE Web Services Java Standard Tags Library In […]

Shenkar Scala Programming Course Autumn 2010 ACD

During the 2010 Autumn semester I am going to deliver the Java & Scala Programming course in Shenkar ( This course is delivered as part Shenkar’s Software Engineering BSc academic program. It starts with a detailed coverage of the Java SE programming language and continues with a detailed coverage of Scala. The topics we are going […]

Shenkar Java EE Spring 2010 Final Projects ACD

During Spring 2010 I was teaching an academic Java EE course in Shenkar. This course is part of Shenkar’s BSc 4 years academic program in Software Engineering. The course covered various advance topics in Java EE, such as Servlets/JSP, JSP Custom Tags, JSTL, JavaServer Faces, JPA, Hibernate, Jasper Reports, Web Services, EJB, JDBC and more. […]

Shenkar Core Java Autumn 2009 ACD

Dear Students, Please find below the complete program for the Core Java course in Shenkar College of Engineering and Design. This course is composed of three separated modules. The first module (6 meetings) focuses on ‘Core Java’ topics and it covers the following: Java Basic, OOP Intro Arrays, String, Inheritance Inheritance, Inner Classes Applets, Exceptions […]

Shenkar College Java SE Course Autumn 2009 INFO

During the autumn semester I was teaching the basic Java course in Shenkar college. The course is part of Shenkar college B.S.c. academic program in Software Engineering. Unlike previous semester, I chose to split the course into three parts. The first part covered Java SE, the second part covered Java FX and the third one […]

Shenkar College Java EE Course Spring 2009 INFO

During spring 2009 I was teaching the Java EE course in Shenkar college. It was delivered as part of Shenkar B.S.c. in software engineering. This semester I chose to focus on the following five topics: Java Servlets & JSP, Java EE Web Services, Jasper Reports, Java Persistence API and Java Server Faces.

Shenkar Core Java Spring 2009 ACD

Dear Students, Please find below the complete program for the Core Java course in Shenkar College of Engineering and Design.  This course covers the following topics: Java Basic, OOP Intro Arrays, String, Inheritance Inheritance, Inner Classes Applets, Exceptions Threads Swing I/O Streams Networking Collections Framework JDBC Java Efficient Programming Java SE Design Patterns Generics Reflection Regular […]

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