Shenkar College Java EE Course Spring 2009 INFO

During spring 2009 I was teaching the Java EE course in Shenkar college. It was delivered as part of Shenkar B.S.c. in software engineering. This semester I chose to focus on the following five topics: Java Servlets & JSP, Java EE Web Services, Jasper Reports, Java Persistence API and Java Server Faces.

Open University Java Training INFO

I was asked to deliver a professional Java training as part of a long term course delivered by the Open University. I was glad to find their flexibility regarding the topics delivered in this course and their acceptance to include a detailed coverage for Java ME. The course takes place in Jerusalem (Malcha High Tech […]

Sun Certified Web Component Developer INFO

I have just taken and passed the Sun Certified Web Component Developer exam. I believe the studying process itself is the important value. Through going over the Java Servlets & JSP specification you get to know the less visible parts of this technology and acquire the professional skills required for becoming a valuable developer.

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