Sencha Touch Jump Start PRO

The PHP Cross Platform Web Applications course I teach in HIT coveres some of the newest web technologies. The next meeting covers Sencha Touch. It is a Java Script library that allows us to develop web applications optimized for touch screen devices, such as mobile telephones and tablets. In order to assist my students with […]

Android 3.0 Activity Fragments PRO

The activity fragments were introduced in SDK 3.0. Each fragment represent a behavior or a portion from user interface of a given activity. We can maintain multiple fragments within a single activity. On the other hand we can reuse the same fragment across different activities. This video clip shows a simple demo for an activity […]

The Sencha Animator Framework INFO

The Sencha Animator framework allows us to create CSS3 based cross platform animations. We can use these animations on every device including mobile telephones and tablets. The following is a short demo.

WP7 First Steps BIZ

During last months I come across many developers that share zero confidence in the WP7 platform. Many of them still share the dissapointment from windows mobile. Many of them still believe that the wireless operators will keep blocking microsoft. Many of them simply don’t believe that the WP7 platform can take off. In a dynamic […]

Day in The Future INFO

Spectacular short video clip that shows a day in the future. Watching this clip together with my students we couldn’t avoid sensing the important role JavaScript and HTML 5 are going to play in the creation of rish user web based interface. Given today possibilities, this is the only option for creating cross platform user […]

The Titanium Platform PRO

I have recently came across the Titanium platform, an open source free solution that allows developers to develop native mobile and desktop aplications using web technologies, such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS. The Titanium platform primarily targets the iPhone and the android platforms allowing developers to get native applications without writing a single line of […]

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