PHPCloud Jump Start PRO

PHPCloud is Zend’s cloud solution. It allows you to save your PHP files on its servers and have them available on the web. The following video clips explains the very basic steps. You can find more information and explanations in ‘PHPCloud Basics’ course. Its community version is available for free personal usage at

PHP Mobile Applications HIT May 2013 INFO

On June 19th I will start to deliver a detailed professional course for cross platform web and mobile applications development. The course focuses on PHP for the server side and on JavaScript for the client side. The course includes 220 academic hours and it takes place in HIT. You can find detailed information about this […]

Java EE Platform Course in HIT ACD

During the 2013 spring semester I will deliver the ‘Open Source Server Side Development’ course in HIT. The course focuses on server side development using Java EE. You can find the formal syllabus at You can find the detailed plan at You can find the google group we are using during this course at!forum/hit-java-ee-2013-03.

Hello World in Dart PRO

Dart is an open source class based, object oriented, optionally typed programming language that allows us to develop browser based one page web applications. We can execute the code that should run on the client side either by using a web browser that supports Dart or by compiling our code into JavaScript. Using the Dart […]

Routing in AngularJS PRO

AngularJS allows us to develop code running on the client that supports routing in a way similar to code running on the server. Using AngularJS support for routing the development of a one page web application becomes much simpler. The following code sample include a simple HTML file that refers a JavaScript file, where the […]

Accessing The Query String in Node.js PRO

In order to access the query string we should first require the url module. Doing so we will be able to invoke the method parse on the url module passing over req.url and true. The method parse returns an object that its properties are the parameters the query string includes. var http = require(‘http’); var […]

Developing Android Remote Services PRO

The first step is coding the aidl file that includes our definition for the interface that lists the methods we want to enable their invocation from another process. package com.abelski.currencyservice; interface ICurrencyService { double getCurrency(String country); } The aidl compiler will go over that file and auto generate the interface we defined in the aidl […]

Learning Android Java Applications Development PRO

Using HTML5 and other web technologies when developing an application for the android platform simplifies the development process and helps us cooping with the well known android platform fragmentation problem. I chose to write this post in order to point at those cases in which we cannot avoid using Java in our application development for […]

PHP Mobile Applications HIT December 2012 INFO

On December 11th I started to deliver a detailed professional course for cross platform web and mobile applications development. The course focuses on PHP for the server side and focus on JavaScript for the client side. The course includes 220 academic hours and it takes place in HIT. You can find detailed information about this […]

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