
Meet, Interact, and Evolve!

I continuously learn new technologies and maintain my knowledge by staying up-to-date with recent developments. I chose to share my up-to-date knowledge through the online communities I maintain on Meetup, Facebook, and Linkedin.




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You can find the life michael community I run on Meetup at I started to run this community in 2017. In the beginning, it focused on professional in-person meetings that took place in Tel-Aviv, Israel. When Covid-19 showed up, I chose to have those meetups held online. Given our good experience with having those online meetings when the Covid-19 pandemic ended, I chose to continue having the meetups online. Today this group has thousands of members from all over the world.


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I started to run professional groups on the Facebook platform in 2009. I manage international professional groups (in English) and local Israeli groups (in Hebrew).

International Professional Groups on Facebook
Angular Professionals
Big Data Developers
Bootstrap Developers
CSS Professionals
Developers on Mac
Dart Developers
HTML Developers
Java Developers
JavaScript Developers
Kotlin Developers
PHP Developers
Python Developers
Scala Developers
React.js Developers
Software Development
Swift Developers
TypeScript Developers
UML Professionals

Israeli Professional Groups on Facebook
Android Developers Israel [More Than 4K Members]
C# Developers Israel
FED Professionals Israel
Java Developers Israel [More Than 4K Members]
PHP Developers Israel
Swift Developers Israel

In addition to the professional groups I run on facebook I have also created dedicated career groups for assisting companies that look for software developers and at the same time, to assist software developers who are looking for a job. Some of the groups focus on the Israeli market while others are international groups that focus on remote jobs

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In addition to the professional groups on facebook and the life michael meetup group I also maintain professional groups on Linkedin. These group include the following ones.

Java Developers Israel

Scala Professional Developers
Python Developers Israel
Android Developers Israel

JavaScript Developers
Twitter Bootstrap Developers


The Beauty of Code

Coding is Art! Developing Code That Works is Simple. Develop Code with Style is a Challenge!

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