PHP 5.5 New Features PRO

PHP 5.5 adds many new improvements. Most of them don’t have any impact on code that was written in according with PHP 5.4. We can now get the fully qualifies name of a class by appending its name with the ::class keyword. This new feature is especially relevant when using namespaces. <?php namespace com\lifemichael\samples; class […]

The zxcvbn.js JavaScript Library PRO

The zxcvbn.js JavaScript open source library provides us with a simple easy to use function for evaluating the strength of a password the user enters. Using this library we can provide our user with an immediate feedback. The following code sample shows how simple it is to use this JavaScript open source library. You can […]

Google WebFonts Jump Start PRO

Google WebFonts API provides us with hundreds of open source fonts we can use in our web page. We can easily search through the web fonts collection and select the ones we want to use. The following code sample shows how simple it is to use these fonts in our web page by adding a […]


The JSON2HTML JavaScript open source library provides us with a powerful templating system we can use to convert JSON objects into HTML. The following code sample shows how simple it is to use this library for the purpose of converting data we hold in JSON objects into HTML. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>json2html demo</title> <script […]

Datejs Jump Start PRO

Datejs is an open source JavaScript library that assists us writing code that handles dates. You can find it ready for download together with detailed documentation at The following code sample shows a simple demo for using this JavaScript open source library by showing how simple it is to add/remove days to/from a date […]

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