PouchDB Jump Start PRO

PouchDB is a small JavaScript library that provides us with the functionality of a document oriented database. We can use it both on the server and on the client. The following is the code that I was using in this video clip. Make sure you update the link to the PouchDB JavaScript file before you […]

The Ubuntu Edge Mobile Telephone BIZ

The ubuntu edge is a new mobile telephone that comes with a dual boot allowing the user either using the well known android platform or the new ubuntu phone os. Hybrid applications can be easily ported for this new platform. Native applications can be developed using the Ubuntu Phone SDK.

The yepnope.js JavaScript Library PRO

The yepnope.js is a JavaScript library that allows us an asynchronous conditional resource loading in according with conditions been tested on the client side. The following is the code that I was using in this video clip. Make sure you update the link to the JavaScript files before you run it. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> […]

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