Blocks in Scala PRO

The definitions within a block are visible from within the block only. The definitions within a block shadow definitions with the same names that belong to the block’s outer scope. The block has a value just as any other expression. Its value is the value of the last expression it includes. object Program { def […]

Scala Worksheet using IntelliJPRO

The following short video clip shows how to create a Scala worksheet when using the IntelliJ IDE. Using a worksheet we can strength our understanding of the Scala programming language.

The Returned Type of Recursive Function in Scala PRO

When you define a recursive function you must specify the type of the returned value. If you don’t do it the compilation fails. object Program { def main(args: Array[String]):Unit = { println(factorial(4)) } def factorial(num:Int):Int = if (num==0) 1 else num*factorial(num-1) } The following video clip explains that.

Scala Expressions Evaluation PRO

When creating a variable using val or var and assigning the value of an expression into it the expression is evaluated when the variable is created. When creating a function using def and assigning the value of an expression to it the expression is evaluated when calling the function. object Program { def main(args: Array[String]):Unit […]

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