Shenkar Scala Programming Autumn 2011 INFO

During the coming semester I am going to deliver the Java & Scala Programming course in Shenkar. Its official name is ‘Internet Programming’. I deliver this course as part of Shenkar’s Software Engineering BSc academic program. The course starts with a detailed coverage of the Java SE programming language and continues with a detailed coverage of Scala. […]

HIT Scala Programming Autumn 2011 INFO

During the coming semester I am going to deliver the Java & Scala Programming course in HIT. Its official name is ‘Internet Programming’. I deliver this course as part of HIT’s Computer Science BSc academic program. I deliver this course for two groups. Both groups take place on Mondays. The first takes place during 1200-1600. The second takes […]

Tel Hai Java EE Autumn 2011 INFO

During the coming semester (Autumn 2011) I am going to deliver a detailed Java EE course in Tel-Hai. This course is delivered as part of Tel-Hai Computers Science BSc academic program. We are going to cover the following Java EE topics: Java Servlets & JSP Java Server Faces Java Persistence API We are going to […]

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