Pages & Frames in Silverlight PRO

The Frame is a content control. It contains a single child element and it inherits from ContentControl. The single child it displays can be of the type Page. We can easily use this capability for developing an application that includes pages displayed one at a time within a frame. The following code sample shows how simple […]

Silverlight Resources & XML PRO

The Silverlight application is actually a package of files archived using ZIP and stored as a single file with the .xap extension. This file can include resources we want to be available for our application. We can alternatively keep these resources on the server or have them as part of the DLL file, which is […]

Android 4.0 Course INFO

I am now working on updating the syllabus of the android applications development course I am going to start next month in HIT. I have just completed the initial update in according with Android 4.0 additions. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the video clip below.

Introduction to Silverlight PRO

I have just completed to develop the first topic of the Silverlight Basics course I am working on these days. You can find its community version available for free personal usage at The professional version is available at The following video clips were prepared as part of this topic.

The Log4PHP Logging Framework PRO

Log4PHP is an open source project that provides a versatile logging framework for PHP. Log4PHP is part of the Apache Logging Services project and it works similarly to other Apache Logging Services sub projects, such as Log4J and Log4Net. I have just completed to develop the first two topics of my Log4PHP Basics course. You can […]

Working with Directories in Python PRO

I have just completed to update the directories topic in my Python Fundamentals course. You can find its community version available for free personal usage at The slides are available for free download. The professional version is available at You can find below the new video clips I have just completed to create in order to […]

Working with Files in Python PRO

I have just completed to update the files topic in my Python Fundamentals course. You can find its community version available for free personal usage at The slides are available for free download. The professional version is available at You can find below the new video clips I have just completed to create in order to […]

Hello World in IronPython PRO

We can download  a .NET version for Python at Once we download and install it on our PC we can use Visual Studio to develop in Python. The code we write will be compiled into CLR code. The code we write can use the .NET framework.

My PHP Zend Certified Engineer Certification INFO

I believe that taking the relevant professional certification sharps your knowledge and takes your understanding to an higher level. I have recently received the hard copy of my PHP Zend Certified Engineer certification.

My OMG Certified UML Professional Diploma INFO

I believe that taking the relevant professional certification sharps your knowledge and takes your understanding to an higher level. I have recently received the hard copy of my UML certification.

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