Font Families in Silverlight PRO

Using a new font family in a Silverlight application is fairly simple. There are several ways for doing it. The simplest of them is adding the TTF file to our application (simple drag & drop when using the Visual Studio IDE) and referring it from within the XAML file. <UserControl x:Class=”SilverlightApplication15.MainPage” xmlns=”” xmlns:x=”” xmlns:d=”″ xmlns:mc=”″ […]

The Image Stretch Property in Silverlight PRO

The Stretch possible values include Fill, None, Uniform which is the default value and UniformToFill. Fill will stretch the image in width and height to fit the Image element. None will keep the image native size. Uniform will set the largest possible size while keeping the aspect ratio unchanged. UniformToFill will size the width and […]

Silverlight Initialization Parameters PRO

We can easily pass initialization parameters from the HTML code that invokes the Silverlight application to the Silverlight application itself. The parameters should be placed as key value pairs, while the keys are their names and the values are the values of each one of them, as a string which is the value of a […]

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