Unit Testing using Zend Studio & PHPUnit PRO

The Zend Studio is already equipped with a plugin that allows us an easy usage of the PHPUnit framework when unit testing our code. The following video clip explains how to write unit tests using Zend Studio and PHPUnit.

The Singleton Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The singleton design pattern provides us with a solution for ensuring that a given class won’t be instantiated more than than one. This video clip explains it using a code sample in PHP. You can find the source code available for free download in my PHP Design Patterns course at www.abelski.org.

The Proxy Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The proxy design pattern provides us with a class that functions as an interface to something else. We usually use this pattern in order to deffer the creation of heavy objects. This video clip explains it using a code sample in PHP. You can find the source code available for free personal usage in my […]

The Template Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The template method design pattern allows us to structure an algorithm into steps we can override in sub classes. This video clip explains this pattern using a code sample in PHP. The source code is available for free download in my PHP Design Patterns course at http://abelski.lifemichael.com.

The Factory Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The factory design pattern enables the creation of new objects without having the need to specify the classes that should be instantiated. The following video clip explains this pattern and overviews a sample for its implementation in PHP. The source code is available for free download in my PHP Design Patterns course at www.abelski.org.

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