The Prototype Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The prototype design pattern simplifies our way when we need to get a new object which is a duplicate of another object we already have. The following video clip explains it using a code sample in PHP. You can find the source code available for free download in my ‘PHP Design Patterns’ course, which is […]

The Decorator Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The decorator design pattern allows us to add behavior to an existing object in a dynamic way. The following video clip explains it using a code sample in PHP. You can find the source code available for free download in my ‘PHP Design Patterns’ course, which is available for free personal usage at

The Builder Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The builder design pattern abstract the steps we have when constructing a new object in a way that allows us to maintain separated different implementations for those steps, also known as builders. The following video clip explains it using a code sample in PHP. You can find the source code available for free download in […]

The Adapter Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The adapter design pattern allows us to cope with differences between the required interface and the one that was implemented. The following video clip explains it using a code sample in PHP. You can find the source code available for free download in my ‘PHP Design Patterns’ course, which is available for free personal usage […]

The Facade Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The facade design pattern helps us coping with complexity due to a big number of classes and methods. Implementing facade is about defining a new class through which we shall work with all other classes and methods. The following video clip explains this pattern using a simple code sample. You can find the source code […]

The Memento Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The memento design pattern allows us to get the state of a given object in a way that enables us to set it back either in the same original object or in another one. You can find the source code available for free download in my ‘PHP Design Patterns’ course, which is available for free […]

The Abstract Factory Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The abstract factory design pattern allows us to work with multiple factories that each one of them is been used to create another family of objects. The following video overviews its implementation in PHP. You can find the source code available for free download in my ‘PHP Design Patterns’ course, which is available for free […]

The Strategy Design Pattern in PHP PRO

The strategy design pattern allows us to use objects that represent the various strategies in our code. The following video clip explains its implementation in PHP. You can find the source code available for free download in my ‘PHP Design Patterns’ course, which is available for free personal usage at

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