Inheritance in Scala PRO

I have recently completed two video clips that explain two important topics related to inheritance in Scala. These two video clips were created as part of the ‘Scala Fundamentals’ course, which is available for free personal and academic usage at

Toolbars in jQuery Mobile PRO

Using the jQuery Mobile it is common to have two toolbars. The header and the footer. The seventh topic in my jQuery Mobile on going course covers the available possibilities when creating each one of them. You can download the slides of this topic and watch the video clips available below. I believe they will […]

HIT Android 3.0 Course May 2011 INFO

On May 6th 2011 I will start to deliver a professional course for developing applications for the Android platform.  I deliver this course through the external studies unit of HIT. The course lasts 35 meetings. The meetings take place on Fridays during the hours 1100-1400. During the course the students will practice their knowledge in three […]

Creating Lists in jQuery Mobile PRO

We all know the well known list widget that usually spans all over the screen and allows the user to select the preferred option. It all started with the unique iphone user interface and continued with the other mobile platforms that followed it. The jQuery Mobile allows us to create a variety of different types […]

HIT PHP Web Applications June 2011 INFO

In June 2011 I will start to deliver a professional course for developing social web applications in PHP. I deliver this course through the external studies unit of HIT. The programming language selected for the server side is PHP. Most of the course focuses on PHP. The rest of the hours are allocated for complementary technologies […]

The Future of Silverlight and Flash PRO

Trying to forcast which technology will rise and which technology will fall is a mission impossible. The technology world is too complex driven by away too many forces, both technology and social. In addition, it is important to remember that each and every technology stands on its own and the case with one technology isn’t […]

The Sencha Animator Framework INFO

The Sencha Animator framework allows us to create CSS3 based cross platform animations. We can use these animations on every device including mobile telephones and tablets. The following is a short demo.

WP7 First Steps BIZ

During last months I come across many developers that share zero confidence in the WP7 platform. Many of them still share the dissapointment from windows mobile. Many of them still believe that the wireless operators will keep blocking microsoft. Many of them simply don’t believe that the WP7 platform can take off. In a dynamic […]

Amazon Android Appstore INFO

Amazon has launched its android appstore. During the very near future, developers who join their developers program won’t need to pay the $99 program fee for the first year. You can find more information about amazon android appstore browsing at, amazon appstore developers program.

Creating Buttons in jQuery Mobile PRO

The button widget is a fundamental component of every mobile application. The available buttons in jQuery Mobile fits today touch screen user interface. There is a variety of differen buttons we can create. The fourth topic in my jQuery Mobile on going course covers the possibilities. You can download the slides of this topic and […]

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