Java Script Errors Handling PRO

Many web developers are not aware of the Java Script exceptions handling mechanism that allows us to handle excepetions using try and catch blocks, as in other programming languages. The following video clips provide more explanations. You can find more info about the Java Script Programming professional course I teach at The community version […]

Java Script CSS Manipulation PRO

Many of the famouse Java Script libraries (such as ExtJS, jQuery and Sencha Touch) are based on the possibility to change the CSS of the HTML elements displayed on screen. The following video clips provide more information about this possibility. You can find more info about my Java Script Programming professional course at You […]

Java Script IDEs PRO

Following the growing importance of Java Script during the last years we can find more and more IDEs that allow us to develop in Java Script. The following video clips explain how can we use Visual Studio, IntelliJ and Eclipse when coding in Java Script. You can find more info about the professional Java Script […]

Cookies in Java Script PRO

Most web developers are not aware of the possibility to interact with our cookies using code written in Java Script executed within the web browser. This technical possibility is an innovation trigger that leads to new possibilities. The Facebook Java Script SDK is just one example. The Java Script Programming course that I deliver at […]

Java Script Image Map PRO

The new version of the professional Java Script Programming course I deliver via includes four new topics. One of the new topics is Image Map. We can create images the user can interact with. We can set separated touchable areas and assign each one of them with a URL address or with a specific […]

Java Script Debuggers PRO

I have recently completed to update the professional Java Script Programming course I deliver via One of the new added topics is a detailed coverage of the available Java Script debuggers in today most popular web browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer and Chrome. The following three video clips explain how do we use these debuggers. […]

IntelliJ Scala Plugin PRO

I have recently started to play around with the IntelliJ Scala plugin. Unlike the Scala plugin for the Eclipse IDE (Gallileo 3.5) I still haven’t encountered any bug. You can download this plugin at The first video clip explain how to develop a simple Scala application using the IntelliJ. The second video clip explains how […]

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