The Android Traceview Utility INFO

The android traceview utility allows us to identify bottleneck in our code. In order to use this utility we first need to set up an AVD that uses SD card, create an image file that will be used by that specific AVD and call the Debug.startMethodTracing() and Debug.stopMethodTracing() from our code in order to create […]

The Android Instrumentation Framework INFO

The android instrumentation framework is highly useful for the development of unit tests for the android applications we develop. Given the growing number of android based devices, the inclusion of automatic unit tests within the development process might be crucial for the success of our product. I have recently completed the development of a new course […]

Invoking Private Methods in Java using Reflection PRO

Using the Java Reflection API we can indirectly invoke private methods from outside the scope of the class they belong to. The AcceesibleObject class is the base class for Method, Field and Constructor. The AccessibleObject class provides the ability to flag a reflected object and suppress default Java language access control checks. Calling the setAccessible method […]

HIT Java EE Course Summer 2010 INFO

During 2010 Summer Semester I am going to deliver a detailed Java EE course in HIT. This course is delivered as part of HIT Computers Science BSc academic program. The main topics we are going to cover in this course are: Java Servlets & JSP Java Server Faces Java Persistence API Enterprise Java Beans Java EE […]

HIT Scala Programming Course Summer 2010 ACD

During the 2010 Summer semester I am going to deliver the Internet Programming course in HIT. This course is delivered as part HIT’s Computer Science BSc academic program. It starts with a detailed coverage of the Java programming language and continues with a detailed coverage of Scala. The topics we are going to cover in Scala include the […]

SMKB Windows Phone 7 Course Summer 2010 INFO

During the 2010 summer semester I am going to deliver an academic course that focuses on the Windows Phone 7 platform. This course takes place in SMKB and is part of their Information Technologies BSc academic program. The topics this course covers include the following: Platform Overview User Interface Isolated Storage Debugging WebBrowser Control Application Bar Location Services […]

Microsoft Kinect TECH

Microsoft Kinect is a unique motion control set up that allows the user to interact with the running application by moving his various body parts allowing a small camera translating all of these movements into binary data streamed into the application. This new motion control is of highly value especially for games developers. The new […]

SMKB Windows Phone 7 Jump Start ACD

The SMKB Windows Phone 7 Jump Start meeting took place on June 11th in SMKB academic campus in Ramat-Aviv, Israel. The meeting served as a practical jump start for those who are interested in learning how to develop for the Windows Phone 7 platform. For more info about the software you need to install on […]

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